Since the inception of RazFarm in 2015 we have built 7 raised garden beds. We primarily use them for seasonal vegetables and herbs. We vine ripen all of our produce before harvest. We also have a strawberry patch that is growing more and more each year. Our deep beds are compost layered on top of wood chips while our 14" deep beds are filled primarily with compost
2018 Planting Guide
We built these as a backyard feature using up-cycled redwood from a structure that had been torn down. Careful planning and construction of the frames allowed us to have two rustic modern planter beds.
New for 2019! - We have 4 more deep planter boxes planned!
We decided to replace our unproductive front lawn with a series of productive raised garden beds.
We grow everything from Beans to Peas to Watermelons in these beds.
2019 - We have adjusted our designs to incorporate a deep water culture element and remove the flood and drain element. I’ll post our full design once we have it up and running.
2018 - We have been planning an aquaponics project for several years and are currently gathering the materials to complete the flood beds and fish tank. More to come soon!